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Giulio Sanna, cell, Baroque cell

Cello, Baroque cello

He graduated from the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory of Turin with highest honors in Maestro Massimo Macrì's class. He then studied at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole with Natalia Gutman, at Accademia W. Stauffer with the Cremona Quartet for chamber music and Antonio Meneses for cello.

He studied quartet at Musikhochschule Lübeck with Heime Mueller and chamber music at Accademia Chigiana with Clive Greensmith. In 2019 he received his Master Performance at Musik-Akademie Basel with Thomas Demenga. In 2023, he received a Master Pedagogical and Baroque Cello Performance with Maestro Christoph Coin at Schola Cantorum Basilensis. He received the "Adelina Ferri" scholarship from Lions Regio of Turin in 2011 and the "Music Talents, Conservatorio CRT-Fondazione Giuseppe Verdi di Torino" scholarship in 2016 and 2017. He was a De Sono scholarship recipient from 2018 to 2020. He has attended masterclasses with Umberto Clerici, Johannes Goritzki, Elisabeth Wilson, Marianne Chen, Belcea Quartet and participated in ECMA (European Chamber Music Association) and AEQUA (European Academy of Quartet) studying with masters such as Hatto Beyerle, Miguel Da Silva, Antonello Farulli, Irvine Arditti, Johanne Meissl, Lorenza Borrani, Andrea Nannoni, Patrick Judt, Christophe Giovaninetti, Ida Bieler.

He has collaborated with the Kammerorchester Basel, with whom he has performed in halls such as the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg,the KKL in Lucerne, the Tonhalle in Düsseldorf, with conductors such as Giovanni Antonini, Heinz Holliger and Paul McCreesh, with several other orchestras and chamber groups such as Swiss Chamber Soloists & Camerata, Camerata Variabile, Yes (Young Euro-Asian Soloists) Orchestra, Neues Orchester Basel, Musique des Lumières, Basel Sinfonietta, Cei-Youth Orchestra, Orchestra CamerataDucale, Orchestra Filarmonica di Torino, Orchestra Filarmonica di Bologna and Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino and took part in the first performance of Nikolaus Matthes' "Markus Passion." He recorded CDs "Franz Liszt, a musician for Europe," "Ten Artists for L. van Beethoven" label "Brilliant" and the monographic CD "Percorsi" by composer Giuseppe D'Angelo for "Amadeus Arte - Naxos.

He has performed at prestigious festivals such as Swiss Chamber Concerts, Astra, "Martinu Festtage," Festival "MiTo," Festival dei Due Mondi di Spoleto, Mantova Chamber Music Festival, Torino Chamber Music Festival, Lucca Classica Music Festival and at the Bardo Museum in Tunis in collaboration with the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole, Regione Toscana, Uffizi and Archaeological Museum in Florence and recorded for the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole in the Baptistery of S. John the DVD "The Last Seven Words of Christ on the Cross" by F. J. Haydn.

He won 1st prize at the Pugnani Competition, 1st prize, special prize "Piero Farulli" and special jury prize at the Crescendo Competition, 1st prize in the chamber music category at the Svirél International Competition.

He has collaborated with the Saluzzo Academy, the Perosi Academy in Biella with musicologists Sandro Cappelletto and Giovanni Bietti with whom he recorded "Musica da Camera con vista" for RAI 5. Since 2021 he has been a full member of the Frau Musika Baroque Orchestra conducted by Maestro Andrea Marcon. In 2023, with his baroque ensemble TRA NOI he won two prizes at the Biber Wettbewerb, the "Concert for Resonanzen Internationales Kultur Fest" at the Wiener Konzerthaus and a recording for the Swiss label "Pan Classics," and at the Biagio Marini competition they won the audience prize.

In the school year 2022/2023, he worked in the Musikschule Basel as EnsambleLeiter of the Crescendolino orchestra, taught in private schools and summer courses in cello and chamber music in Italy and Switzerland

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